Publications 1996-2023
- Rob van Glabbeek, Jan Friso Groote, and Erik de Vink,
A cancellation law for probabilistic process,
Proc. EXPRESS/SOS 2023,
Georgiana Caltais and Claudio Antares Mezzina (eds.),
EPTCS 387, 2023, pp. 42-58
- Vincenzo Ciancia, David Gabelaia, Diego Latella, Mieke Massink, and Erik de Vink,
On Bisimilarity for Polyhedral Models and SLCS,
Minimisation of Spatial Models using Branching Bisimilarity,
Proc. FORTE 2023,
Marieke Huisman and António Ravara (eds.),
LNCS 13910, 2023, 19 pages
- Vincenzo Ciancia, Jan Friso Groote, Diego Latella, Mieke Massink, and Erik de Vink,
Minimisation of Spatial Models using Branching Bisimilarity,
Proc. FM 2023,
Marsha Chechik and Joost-Pieter Katoen (eds.),
LNCS, 2023, 19 pages
- Jan Friso Groote, Jan Martens and Erik de Vink,
Bisimulation by Partioning is Omega((m+n)log n),
Logical Methods in Computer Science 19(2), 2023,
26 pages
- Vincenzo Ciancia, Diego Latella, Mieke Massink, and Erik de Vink,
Back-and-Forth in Space: On Logics and Bisimilarity in Closure Spaces,
A Journey from Process Algebra via Timed Automata to Model Learning: Essays Dedicated to Frits Vaandrager on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday,
Nils Jansen, Mariëlle Stoelinga, and Petra van den Bos (eds.),
LNCS 13560, 2022, pages 98-115
- Yousra Hafidi & Erik de Vink,
Conceptual Building Blocks for Modeling Reconfiguration of Component-Based Systems Using Petri Nets,
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming Methods 130, 2022
- Jan Friso Groote, Jan Martens and Erik de Vink,
Bisimulation by Partioning is Omega((m+n)log n),
Proc. CONCUR 2021,
Serge Hadded and Daniele Varacca (eds.),
LiPIcs 31, 2021, pages 31:1-31:16
- Erik de Vink and Ana Cavalcanti,
Editorial to the FM2018 (Oxford) special issue of FACJ,
Formal Aspects of Computing 33, 2021, pages 1--2.
- Jan Friso Groote, Jeroen J.A. Keiren, Bas Luttik, Erik P. de Vink, and Tim A.C. Willemse,
Modelling and Analysing Software in mCRL2,
Proc. FACS 2019, F. Arbab & S.-S. Jongmans (eds.), LNCS 12018, 2020,
pages 25-48
- Keyvan Aadbakht, Frank S. de Boer, Nikolaos Bezirgiannis and Erik P. de Vink,
A Formal Actor-based Model for Streaming the Future,
Science of Computer Programming, 2020
- Rob J. van Glabbeek, Jan Friso Groote and Erik P. de Vink,
A Complete Axiomatization of Branching Bisimilarity for a Simple Process Language with Probabilistic Choice (extended abstract)},
The Art of Modelling Computational Systems: A Journey from Logic and Concurrency to Security and Privacy - Essays Dedicated to Catuscia Palamidessi on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday,
Mario S. Alvim, Kostas Chatzikokolakis, Carlos Olarte, Frank Valencia (eds.),
LNCS 11760, 2019, pages 139-162.
- Jan Friso Groote and Erik P. de Vink,
An Axiomatization of Strong Distribution Bisimulation for a Language with a Parallel Operator and Probabilistic Choice,
From Software Engineering to Formal Methods and Tools and Back,
M.H. ter Beek, A. Fantechi and L. Semini (eds.),
LNCS 11865, 2019, pages 449-463.
- Olav Bunte, Jan Friso Groote, Jeroen J.A. Keiren, Maurice Laveaux, Thomas Neele, Erik P. de Vink, Wieger Wesselink, Anton Wijs and Tim A.C. Willemse,
The mCRL2 Toolset for Analysing Concurrent Systems:
Improvements in Expressivity and Usability,
Proc. TACAS 2019, T. Vojnar & L. Zhang (eds.), LNCS 11428, 2019,
pages 21-39
- J.F. Groote, H.J. Rivera Verduzco and E.P. de Vink,
An efficient algorithm to determine probabilistic bisimulation,
Algorithms 11(9):131, 2018, 22 pages.
- K. Azadbakht, F.S. de Boer and E.P. de Vink,
Deadlock Detection for Actor-based Coroutines,
Proc. FM 2018,
K. Havelund et al. (eds),
LNCS 10951, 2018, pages 39-54.
- K. Havelund, J. Peleska, B. Roscoe, and E.P. de Vink,
Proc. FM 2018, 22nd International Symposium on Formal Methods.
Held as part of FLoC 2018, the Federated Logic Conference,
Oxford, UK, July 15-17, 2018,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10951, Springer 2018
- L.P.J. Groenewegen, J.H.S. Verschuren, and E.P. de Vink,
Extending Paradigm with Data,
It's All About Coordination.
F.S. de Boer, M.M. Bonsangue, and J. Rutten (eds.),
LNCS 10865, 2018, pages 224-244.
- J.F. Groote and E.P. de Vink,
Problem Solving Using Process Algebra Considered Insightful,
ModelEd, TestEd, TrustEd,
J.-P. Katoen, R. Langerak, and A. Rensink (eds.),
LNCS 10500, 2017, pages 48-63.
- Z. Ben Snaiba, E.P. de Vink, and T.A.C. Willemse,
Family-Based Model Checking of SPL based on mCRL2 (extended abstract),
Proc. SPLC 2017, Sevilla, September 27-29, 2017,
ACM 2017, 4 pages.
- E.P. de Vink and H. Wiklicky (eds.),
Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on
Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems
(QAPL 2017),
Uppsala, 23rd of April 2017,
EPTCS 250, 2017
- M.H. ter Beek, E.P. de Vink, and T.A.C. Willemse,
Family-Based Model Checking with mCRL2,
Proc. FASE 2017, Uppsala, April 22-29, 2017,
M. Huisman and J. Rubin (eds.),
LNCS 10202, 2017, pages 387-405.
- M.H. ter Beek, M.A. Reniers, and E.P. de Vink
Supervisory Controller Synthesis for Product Lines using CIF3,
Proc. ISOLA 2016, Corfu, October 10--14, 2016,
T. Margaria and B. Steffen (eds.),
LNCS 9952, 2016, pages 856-873.
- M.D. Lee and E.P. de Vink,
Logical Characterization of Bisimulation for Transition Relations
over Probability Distributions with Internal Actions,
Proc. MFCS 2016, Kraków, 22--26 August 2016,
P. Faliszewski, A. Muscholl, and R. Niedermeier (eds.),
LIPIcs 58, 2016, pages 29:1-14.
- L.P.J. Groenewegen, R. Kuiper, and E.P. de Vink,
Towards a Proof Method for Paradigm,
Theory and Practice of Formal Methods,
E. Àbrahàm, M.M. Bonsangue, and E.B. Johnsen (eds.),
LNCS 9660, 2016, pages 242-260.
- M.H. ter Beek, E.P. de Vink and T.A.C. Willemse,
Towards a feature mu-calculus targeting SPL verification,
Proc. FMSPLE 2016,
J. Rubin and T. Thuem (eds.),
Eindhoven, April 3, 2016, 15 pages.
- D. Latella, M. Massink and E.P. de Vink,
Bisimulation of Labelled State-to-Function Transition Systems Coalgebraically,
Logical Methods in Computer Science 11(4), paper 16,
2015, 40 pages.
- M.D. Lee and E.P. de Vink,
Rooted branching bisimulation as a congruence for
probabilistic transition systems,
Proc. QAPL 2015, London, 11-12 April 2015,
Logical Methods in Computer Science 11(4), paper 16,
2015, 40 pages.
- M.D. Lee and E.P. de Vink,
Rooted branching bisimulation as a congruence for
probabilistic transition systems,
Proc. QAPL 2015, London, 11-12 April 2015,
N. Bertrand and M. Tribastone (eds.),
EPTCS, 2015, 16 pages.
- D. Latella, M. Massink and E.P. de Vink,
A Definition Scheme for Quantitative Bisimulation,
Proc. QAPL 2015, London, 11-12 April 2015,
N. Bertrand and M. Tribastone (eds.),
EPTCS, 2015, 16 pages.
- T. Belder, M.H. ter Beek and E.P. de Vink,
Coherent Branching Feature Bisimulation,
Proc. FMSPLE 2015,
J. Atlee and S. Gnesi (eds.),
London, April 11, 2015, 17 pages.
- Tessa E. Pronk, Jochem W. van der Veen, Rob J. Vandebriel,
Henk van Loveren, Erik P. de Vink, Jeroen L. Pennings,
Comparison of the molecular topologies of stress-activated transcription
factors HSF1, AP-1, NRF2, and NF-κB in their induction kinetics of
BioSystems 124, p75-85.
- M.H. ter Beek and E.P. de Vink,
Towards Modular Verification of Software Product Lines with mCRL2,
Proc. ISoLA 2014 (Part I),
T. Margaria & B. Steffen (eds.),
Corfu, October 8-11, 2014,
LNCS 8802, p368-385.
- M.H. ter Beek and E.P. de Vink,
Software Product Lines Analysis with mCRL2,
Proc. SPLC 2014 (volume 2),
S. Gnesi, A. Fantechi, M.H. ter Beek,
G. Botterweck & M. Becker (eds.),
Florence, September 15-19, 2014,
ACM, p78-85.
- A. Legay and E.P. de Vink,
SPLat 2014: first international workshop on Software Product
Line Analysis Tools,
Proc. SPLC 2014 (volume 1),
S. Gnesi, A. Fantechi, P. Heymans, J. Rubin,
K. Czarnecki & D. Dhungana (eds.),
Florence, September 15-19, 2014,
ACM, p353.
- M.H. ter Beek and E.P. de Vink,
Using mCRL2 for the analysis of software product lines,
Proc. FormaliSE 2014,
S. Gnesi and N. Plat (eds.),
Hyderabad, India, June 3, 2014, IEEE 7 pages.
An extended version including mCRL2 code is available as
Technical Report CSR 14/02
from Eindhoven University of Technology.
- S. Andova, L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Dynamic Adaptation with Distributed Control in Paradigm,
Science of Computer Programming 94,
- E.P. de Vink, H. Zantema and D. Bosnacki,
RNA-Editing with Combined Insertion and Deletion Preserves Regularity,
Scientific Annals of Computer Science 23(1),
2013, pages 39-73.
- C. Krause, H. Giese and E. de Vink,
Compositional and behavior-preserving reconfiguration of component
connectors in Reo,
Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 24(3) 2013, pages 153-168.
- P. Giannini, E.P. de Vink (eds.),
Proc. CS2Bio'12,
proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Interactions between
Computer Science and Biology,
Stockholm, 16 June 2012,
ENTCS 293, 2013.
- Marco Bernardo, Erik de Vink, Alessandra Di Pierro and
Herbert Wiklicky (eds.),
Formal Methods for Dynamical Systems,
lecture notes of the
13th International School on Formal Methods for the Design
of Computer, Communication and Software Systems (SFM 2013),
Bertinoro, Italy, June 2013,
LNCS 7938, 2013.
- S. Cranen, J.F. Groote, J.J.A. Keiren, F.P.M. Stappers, E.P. de Vink,
J.W. Wesselink and T.A.C. Willemse,
An Overview of the mCRL2 Toolset and its Recent Advances,
Proc. TACAS 2013, Rome, March 18-21, 2013,
N. Pitermann and S.A. Smolka (eds.),
LNCS 7795, 2013, pages 199-213.
- C. Krause, E.P. de Vink and P.J. de Vink,
Towards Dynamic Adaptation of the Majority Rule Scheme,
Pre-proc. QAPL 2013, Rome, March 23, 2013,
L. Bortolussi and H. Wiklicky (eds.),
- D. Latella, M. Massink and E.P. de Vink,
Coalgebraic Bisimulation of FuTS,
ASCENS T2.1 deliverable 9, 2013, 38 pages.
- I. Petre and E.P. de Vink (eds.),
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology XIV,
LNBI 7625, 2012.
- D. Latella, M. Massink and E.P. de Vink,
Bisimulation of Labeled State-to-Function Transition Systems of
Stochastic Process Languages,
Proc. ACCAT 2012, Tallinn, 1 April 2012,
U. Golas and T. Soboll (eds.),
EPTCS 93, 2012, pages 23-43.
- S. Andova, L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Distributed Adaption of Dining Philosophers,
in Proc. FACS 2010, Guimarães, 14-16 October, 2010,
L.S. Barbosa & M. Lumpe (eds.),
LNCS 6921, 2012, pages 125-144.
- J. Markovski, P.R. D'Argenio, J.C.M. Baeten and E.P. de Vink,
Reconciling real and stochastic time: the need for probabilistic refinement,
Formal Aspects of Computing 24, 2012,
pages 497-518.
- J. Proença, D. Clarke, E.P. de Vink and F. Arbab,
Dreams: a framework for distributed synchronous coordination,
Proc. SAC 2012, Riva del Garda,
S. Ossowski and P. Lecca (eds.),
ACM 2012, pages 1510-1515.
- N. Kokash, C. Krause and E.P. de Vink,
Reo + mCRL2: A Framework for Model-Checking Dataflow in Service Compositions,
Formal Aspects of Computing 24, SEFM 2010 special issue, 2012,
pages 187-216.
- E.P. de Vink, H. Zantema and D. Bosnacki,
Combining insertion and deletion in RNA-editing
preserves regularity,
in Proc. MeCBIC 2012, Newcastle, 8 September, 2012,
G. Ciobanu (ed.),
EPTCS 100, 2012, pages 48-62.
- R.-J. Back, I. Petre and E.P. de Vink (eds.),
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology XIII,
LNBI 6575, 2011.
- I. Petre and E.P. de Vink (eds.),
Proc. CompMod 2011, proceedings of the third international workshop
on Computational Models for Cell Processes,
EPTCS 67, 2011.
- D. Bosnacki, P.A.J. Hilbers, R.S. Mans & E.P. de Vink,
Modeling and Analysis of Biological Networks with Model Checking,
Chapter 39
in Algorithms in Computational Molecular Biology: Techniques, Approaches
and Applications,
M. Elloumi & A.Y. Zomaya (eds.),
Wiley Series in Bioinformatics, volume 1, Wiley 2011, 915-940
- S. Andova, L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Dynamic Consistency in Process Algebra: From Paradigm to ACP,
Science of Computer Programming 76(8), 2011, page 711-735.
- S. Andova, L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Towards reduction of Paradigm coordination models,
in Proc. PACO 2011, Reyjavik, June 9, 2011,
L. Aceto & M.R. Mousavi (eds.),
EPTCS 60, 2011, pages 1--18
- J. Proença, D. Clarke, E.P. de Vink and F. Arbab,
Decoupled execution of synchronous coordination models via behavioural
in Proc. FOCLASA 2011, Aachen, September 10, 2011,
M.R. Mousavi & A. Ravara (eds.),
EPTCS 58, 2011, pages 65-79
- N. Kokash, C. Krause and E.P. de Vink,
Verification of Context-Dependent Channel-Based Service Models
in Proc. FMCO 2009, Eindhoven, 4-6 November, 2009,
F. de Boer, M. Bonsangue, S. Hallerstede and M. Leuschel (eds.),
LNCS 6286, 21-40.
- S. Andova, L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Towards Dynamic Adaptation of Probabilistic Systems,
in Proc. ISOLA 2010, Heraclion, 18-20 October, 2010,
T. Margaria and B. Steffen (eds.),
LNCS 6416, 2010, 143-159.
- C. Krause, C. Krause and E.P. de Vink,
Action-Based Analysis of Discrete Regulatory Networks with Short-Term
in Proc. CMSB 2010, Trento, 29 September-1 October, 2010,
P. Quaglia (ed.), ACM 2010, 66-75.
- N. Kokash, C. Krause and E.P. de Vink,
Time and Data-Aware Analysis of Graphical Service Models in Reo
in Proc. SEFM 2010, Pisa, September 14-18, 2010,
A. Maggiolo-Schettini, J.L. Fiadeiro, and S. Gnesi (eds.),
IEEE 2010, 125-134
- N. Kokash, C. Krause and E.P. de Vink,
Data-Aware Design and Verification of Service Compositions with Reo
and mCRL2
in Proc. SAC 2010, Sierre, Switzerland, March 21-26, 2010,
S.Y. Shin, S. Ossowski, M. Schumacher, M.J. Palakal, Chih-Cheng Hung
Technical Track on Service-Oriented Architectures and Programming,
ACM, 2010, pages 2399-2407.
- R.-J. Back, I. Petre and E. de Vink (eds.),
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on
Computational Models for Cell Processes,
Eindhoven, November 3, 2009,
EPTCS 6, arXiv:0910.1605v1, 124pp
- J. Markovski & E.P. de Vink,
Performance Evaluation of Distributed Systems Based on
a Discrete Real- and Stochastic-Time Process Algebra,
Fundamenta Informaticae 95,
ACSD 2008 special issue,
J. Billington, R. Janicki and M. Koutny (eds.),
2009, page 157-186
- J. Markovski, A. Sokolova, N. Trcka & E.P. de Vink,
Compositionality for Markov Reward Chains with Fast Transitions,
Performance Evaluation 66, 2009, pages 435-452,
- A. Sokolova, E.P. de Vink and H. Woracek,
Coalgebraic Weak Bisimulation for Action-Type Systems,
Scientific Annals of Computer Science 19, 2009,
page 93-144
- S. Andova, L.P.J. Groenewegen, J.H.S. Verschuren and E.P. de Vink,
Architecting Security with Paradigm
in Architecting Dependable Systems VI,
R. de Lemos, J.-C. Fabre, C. Gacek, F. Gadducci and M.H. ter Beek (eds.),
Springer, LNCS 5835, pages 255-283, 2009
- S. Andova, L.P.J. Groenewegen, J. Stafleu and E.P. de Vink,
Formalizing Adaptation On-the-Fly
in Proc. FOCLASA 2009, Rhodes, Greece, July 11, 2009
G. Salaün and M. Sirjani (eds.),
ENTCS 255, page 23-44
- D. Bosnacki, T.E. Pronk and E.P. de Vink,
In Silico Modelling and Analysis of
Ribosome Kinetics and aa-tRNA Competition,
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology XI,
CompMod 2008 special issue,
R.-J. Back, I. Petre and C. Priami (eds.),
Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 5750,
pages 69-89, 2009
- C. Koehler, F. Arbab & E.P. de Vink,
Reconfiguration Distributed Reo Connectors,
in Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques,
revised selected papers of WADT 2008, Pisa, Italy, June 13-16, 2008,
Andrea Corradini and Ugo Montanari (eds.),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5486, 2009,
pages 221-235.
- S. Andova, L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Dynamic Consistency in Process Algebra: From Paradigm to ACP,
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on the
Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures
FOCLASA'08, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 13, 2008,
C. Canal, P. Poizat and M. Sirjani (eds),
ENTCS 229(2), 2009, pages 3-20.
- D. Bosnacki, H.M.M. ten Eikelder, M.N. Steijaert & E.P. de Vink,
Stochastic Analysis of Amino Acid Substitution in Protein Synthesis,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference CMSB 2008,
Rostock, Germany, October 12-15, 2008,
M. Heiner & A.M. Uhrmacher (eds.),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5307, 2008,
pages 367-386.
- J. Pan, J.I. den Hartog and E.P. de Vink,
An Operation-Based Metric for CPA Resistance,
Proceedings of the IFIP TC11 23rd International Information
Security Conference SEC'08,
S. Jajodia, P. Samarati and S. Cimato (eds.),
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 278, 2008,
pages 429-443.
- J. Markovski and E.P. de Vink,
Extending Timed Process Algebra with Discrete Stochastic Time,
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology AMAST 2008,
Urbana, 28-31 July 2008,
J. Meseguer and G. Rosu (eds.), LNCS 5140, 2008,
pages 268-283.
- J. Markovski and E.P. de Vink,
Discrete Real-Time and Stochastic Time Process Algebra for
Performance Analysis of Distributed Systems,
Proceedings of 8th international conference on
Application of Concurrency to System Design
ACSD 2008, Xi'an,
J. Billington, Zhenhua Duan and M. Koutny (eds.), IEEE, 2008,
pages 180-189.
- D. Bosnacki, T.E. Pronk and E.P. de Vink,
In Silico Modelling and Analysis of
Ribosome Kinetics and aa-tRNA Competition,
Proc. of COMPMOD 2008,
Workshop on Computational Models for Cell Processes,
satelite event of FM 2008, Turku, Finland,
R.-J. Back and I. Petre (eds.),
Turku Centre for Computer Science, pages 23-38, 2008.
- N. Trcka, S. Georgievska, J. Markovski, S. Andova and E.P. de Vink,
Performance Analysis of Chi Models using
Discrete-Time Probabilistic Reward Graphs,
Proc. WODES '08, Goteborg,
B. Lennartson, M. Fabian, K. Akesson, A. Giua and R. Kumar (eds.),
pages 113-118, IEEE Explorer 2008.
- S. Andova, L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
System evolution by migration coordination,
Proc. BENEVOL 2008, A. Serebrenik (ed.),
Computer Science Report 08-33, pages 18-21.
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
- L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Dynamic System Adaptation by Constraint Orchestration,
Technical Report CSR 08/29,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2008, 19 pages.
- J. Markovski and E.P. de Vink,
Real-Time Process Algebra with Stochastic Delays,
Proceedings of 7th international conference on
Application of Concurrency to System Design,
ACSD 2007, Bratislava,
T. Basten, G. Juhás and S. Shukla (eds.),
IEEE, 2007, pages 177-186.
- J. Markovski, A. Sokolova, N. Trcka and E.P. de Vink,
Compositionality for Markov Reward Chains with Fast Transitions,
Proceedings of the 4th European Performance Engineering Workshop
EPEW 2007, Berlin,
K. Wolter (ed.),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4748, 2007, pages 18--32.
- S. Mauw, J. Verschuren and E.P. de Vink,
Data Anonymity in the FOO Voting Scheme,
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Views on Designing
Complex Architectures,
VODCA 2006, Bertinoro, Italy,
M. ter Beek and F. Gadducci (eds.),
ENTCS 168, 2007, pages 5-28.
- T.E. Pronk, E.P. de Vink, D. Bosnacki and T.M. Breit,
Stochastic Modeling of Codon Bias with PRISM,
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Methods and Tools for
Coordinating, Distributed and Mobile Systems
MTCoord 2007, Paphos, June 4, 2007,
I. Linden and C. Talcott (eds.),
Computer Science Department, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 2007,
15 pages.
- W. Mostowski, J. Pan, S. Akkiraju, E. de Vink, E. Poll and
J. den Hartog,
A Comparison of Java Cards: State-of-Affairs 2006,
Technical Report CSR 07/06,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven,
- J. Markovski and E.P. de Vink,
Real-Time in Stochastic Process Algebra:
Keeping Track of Winners and Losers,
Technical Report CSR 07/06,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven,
- L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Dynamic Evolution by Constraint Orchestration.
Position paper presented at the 1st international workshop on
Formal Methods and Notations for
Business Process Execution,
Service Oriented Computing and
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work,
IT University, Copenhagen, October 20, 2007.
11 pages.
- L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink (inventors),
Method for transferring a computer system from a first to a second phase,
Patent EP1703389-A2,
International Patent Classification G06F-009/46, 2006.
- C.J.F. Cremers, S. Mauw and E.P. de Vink,
Injective synchronisation: An extension of the authentication hierarchy,
Theoretical Computer Science 367, p139-161, 2006.
- J. Markovski and E.P. de Vink,
Embedding Real Time in Stochastic Process Algebras,
Proc. of the 3rd European Performance Evaluation Workshop
EPEW 2006, Budapest,
A. Horvath and M. Telek (eds.),
LNCS 4054, p47-62, 2006.
- H.L. Jonker and E.P. de Vink,
Formalising Receipt-Freeness,
Proc. ISC 2006, Samos Island, Greece,
S.K. Katsikas, J. Lopez, M. Backes, S. Gritzalis and B. Preneel (eds.),
LNCS 4176, p476-488, 2006.
- LCMAS 2005,
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on
Logic and Communication in Multi-Agent Systems,
Wiebe van der Hoek, Alessio Lomuscio, Erik de Vink,
Mike Wooldridge (eds.),
ENTCS volume 157, issue 4,
Elsevier, 2006
- L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Evolution-On-The-Fly with Paradigm,
Proceedings of the 8th conference on Coordination Models and Languages,
Coordination 2006, Bologna,
P. Ciancarini and H. Wiklicky (eds.),
LNCS 4038, 2006, pages 97-122.
- S. Orzan and E. de Vink,
Multiparty Contract Signing Over a Reliable Network,
Proc. STM 2005,
S. Mauw, V. Issarny and C. Cremers (eds.),
ENTCS 157(3), 2006, pages 27-41.
- A.W. Stam, L.P.J. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Restructuring Paradigm models for the ToolBus architecture: a case study,
Proc. MTCoord 2005, Namur,
L. Brim and I. Linden (eds.),
ENTCS 150(1), p127-142,
- L.P.J. Groenewegen, A.W. Stam, P.J. Toussaint and E.P. de Vink,
Paradigm as Organization-Oriented Coordination Language,
Proc. CoOrg 2005, Namur,
L. van de Torre and G. Boella (eds.),
ENTCS 150(3), p93-113, 2006.
- A. Hommerson, J.-J.Ch. Meyer and E.P. de Vink,
Update Semantics of Security Protocols,
in W. van der Hoek (ed),
Information, Interaction and Agency, Springer, 2005,
pages 289 -- 327
Reprinted from Synthese 139:2 and 142:2 (2004),
Special Section Knowledge, Rationality and Action
- J.I. den Hartog and E.P. de Vink,
Virtual Analysis and Reduction of Side-Channel Vulnerabilities of
Proc. FAST 2004, Toulouse,
T. Dimitrakos and F. Martinelli (eds.),
Kluwer, 2005, 14pp.
- C.J.F. Cremers, S. Mauw and E.P. de Vink,
A Syntactic Criterion for Injectivity of Authentication Protocols,
Proc. ARSPA 2005,
proceedings of the 2nd workshop on
Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis,
P. Degano and L. Vigano (eds.),
ENTCS 135(1), 2005, p23-38.
- L. Groenewegen, N. van Kampenhout and E. de Vink,
Delegation Modeling with Paradigm,
Proc. Coordination 2005, Namur,
J.-M. Jacquet and G.P. Picco (eds.),
LNCS 3453, 2005, p94-108.
- LCMAS 2004,
Proceedings of the second international workshop on
Logic and Communication in Multi-Agent Systems,
Wiebe van der Hoek, Alessio Lomuscio, Erik de Vink,
Mike Wooldridge (eds.),
ENTCS 126,
Elsevier, 2005
- A. Hommersom, J.-J.Ch. Meyer and E.P. de Vink,
Toward reasoning about security protocols: a semantic approach,
Proc. LCMAS 2004,
W. van der Hoek, A. Lomuscio, E. de Vink, M. Wooldridge (eds.),
ENTCS 126, pages 53-75.
- A. Sokolova, E.P. de Vink and H. Woracek,
Weak Bisimulation for Action-Type Coalgebras,
Proc. CTCS 2004, L. Birkedal (ed.),
ENTCS 122, 2005, 211-228.
Full version available as
Technical Report CSR 04/16,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2004,
- A. Hommersom, J.-J.Ch. Meyer and E.P. de Vink,
Update Semantics of Security Protocols,
in Synthese 142:229-267,
Knowledge, Rationality and Action subseries,
Kluwer, 2004.
- S. Mauw, J. Verschuren and E.P. de Vink,
A Formalization of Anonymity and Onion Routing,
Proc. Esorics 2004, Sophia Antipolis,
P. Samarati et al. (eds.),
LNCS 3193, 2004, p109-124.
- J.C.M. Baeten and E.P. de Vink,
Axiomatizing GSOS with Termination,
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 60-61:323-351, 2004
- A. Sokolova and E.P. de Vink,
Probabilistic Automata: System Types, Parallel Composition and Comparison,
in Validation of Stochastic Systems,
C. Baier et al. (eds.),
LNCS 2925, Springer 2004, p1-43
- LCMAS 2003,
proceedings of the first international workshop on
Logic and Communication in Multi-Agent Systems,
Wiebe van der Hoek, Alessio Lomuscio, Erik de Vink,
Mike Wooldridge (eds.),
ENTCS volume 85, issue 2,
Elsevier, 2004
- F. Bartels, A. Sokolova and E.P. de Vink,
A Hierarchy of Probabilistic System Types,
Theoretical Computer Science 327,
CMCS 2003 Special Issue,
H.P. Gumm (ed.),
p3-22, 2004.
- L. Groenewegen, N. van Kampenhout and E. de Vink,
Coordination in Networked Organizations: the Paradigm Approach,
Technical Report CSR 03/13,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 2003,
- A. Sokolova and E.P. de Vink,
On Relational Properties of Lumpability,
Proc. PROGRESS Workshop 2003,
STW, Utrecht, 2003, 6pp
- C.J.F. Cremers, S. Mauw and E.P. de Vink,
Defining Authentication in a Trace Model,
Proc. FAST 2003, T. Dimitrakis and F. Martinelli (eds.),
FME 2003 workshop, Pisa, 2003, p131-145
- F. Bartels, A. Sokolova and E.P. de Vink,
A Hierarchy of Probabilistic System Types,
Proc. CMCS 2003, H.P. Gumm (ed.),
ETAPS 2003 pre-conference workshop, Warzaw,
2003, ENTCS 82,
- C.J.F. Cremers, S. Mauw and E.P. de Vink,
Formal Methods for Security Protocols:
Three Examples of the Black-Box Approach,
NVTI Newsletter 7
(Newsletter of the Dutch Association of Theoretical Computer Science),
- D. Chkliaev, J. Hooman and E. de Vink,
Verification and improvement of the sliding window protocol,
Proc. TACAS 2003,
H. Garavel and J. Hatcliff (eds.),
LNCS~2619, 2003, p113-127
- J. den Hartog, J. Verschuren, E. de Vink, J. de Vos and W. Wiersma,
PINPAS: a tool for power analysis of smartcards,
Proc. SEC 2003,
IFIP WG 11.2 Small Systems Security,
D. Gritzalis, P. Samarati and S. Katsikas (eds.),
Wolters-Kluwer, 2003, p453-457.
- J.I. den Hartog and E.P. de Vink,
Verifying probabilistic programs using a Hoare-like logic,
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 13,
315-340, 2002.
J.C.M. Baeten and E.P. de Vink,
Axiomatizing GSOS with termination,
Proc. STACS 2002, H. Alt and A. Ferreira (eds.), LNCS 2285, p583-595.
[full version]
- L. Groenewegen and E.P. de Vink,
Operational semantics for Coordination in Paradigm,
Proc. Coordination 2002, York, April 2002,
F. Arbab and C. Talcott (eds.),
LNCS 2315, p191-206.
N. Agray, W. van der Hoek and E.P. de Vink,
On BAN logics for industrial security protocols,
From Theory to Practice in Multi-Agent Systems,
B. Dunin-Keplicz and E. Nawarecki (eds.),
LNAI 2296, 2002, p29-38.
- J.I. den Hartog, E.P. de Vink and J.W. de Bakker,
Metric semantics and full abstractness for action refinement and
probabilistic choice,
Proc. MFCSIT'00,
T. Hurley, M. Mac an Airchinnigh, M. Schellekens and T. Seda (eds.),
ENTCS 40, 2002, 28pp.
- A. Sokolova and E.P. de Vink,
Algebraic representation of bisimulation for the tagh-format,
Technical Report CSR-02-02,
TU Eindhoven 2002, 17pp.
- D. Chkliaev, Jozef Hooman and E.P. de Vink,
Formal Verification of an Improved Sliding Window Protocol,
Proc. PROGRESS Workshop 2002,
STW, Utrecht, 2002, 8pp.
- J.I. den Hartog and E.P. de Vink,
Building Metric Strucutres with the Meas-Functor,
Liber Americorum Jaco de Bakker,
F. de Boer, M. van der Heijden, P. Klint and J. Rutten (eds.),
CWI, Amsterdam, 2002, p93-108.
J.C.M. Baeten and E.P. de Vink,
Axiomatizing GSOS with termination,
Technical Report CSR 01-06,
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 2001.
- N. Agray, W. van der Hoek and E.P. de Vink,
On BAN logics for industrial security protocols,
Proc. CEEMAS'01, B. Dunin-Keplicz and E. Nawarecki (eds.),
p15-24, 2001.
Preliminary version presented at BNAIC'01, Amsterdam 2001.
Updated version in post-conference proceedings
LNAI 2296.
- E.P. de Vink and P.J. van der Wulp (eds.),
Topics in information hiding: discrete cosine transformations,
spread spectrum techniques and fingerprinting (preliminary version),
KPN Research, 2000.
- E.P. de Vink (ed.),
OSS Interconnection Gateway Validation, Volume 6: Gateway Security,
Deliverable EURESCOM Project P908, 2000.
- F. Muller, M.R. Oomen and E.P. de Vink,
Public Key Infrastructures: mogelijkheden en kansen,
KPN Research, 2000.
- E.P. de Vink,
A note on the completeness of M_1(X),
unpublished manuscript, 2000.
- J.I. den Hartog, E.P. de Vink and J.W. de Bakker,
Full abstractness of a metric semantics for action refinement,
Fundamenta Informaticae 40:335-382, 1999
- J.J.M.M. Rutten and E.P. de Vink,
Bisimulation for probabilistic transition systems: a coalgebraic approach,
Theoretical Computer Science 221:271-293, 1999
- J.W. de Bakker and E.P. de Vink,
Denotational models for programming languages:
Applications of Banach's fixed point theorem,
Topology and its Applications 85:35-52, 1998
- J.I. den Hartog and E.P. de Vink,
Mixing up nondeterminism and probability: A preliminary report,
Proc. LICS'98 workshop on Probabilistic Methods in Verification,
C. Baier, M. Huth, M. Kwiatkowska and M. Ryan (eds.),
ENTCS 22, 1998
- E.P. de Vink,
On a functor for probabilistic bisimulation and preservation
of weak pullbacks,
Technical report IR-444, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam 1998.
Paper presented at ETAPS'98 workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in
Computer Science, Lisbon, 1998.
- E. Todoran, J.I. den Hartog and E.P. de Vink,
Comparative metric semantics for commit in or-parallel logic programming,
Proc. Symposium on Logic Programming,
J. Maluszynski (ed.), p101-116, The MIT Press, 1997.
- J.W. de Bakker and E.P. de Vink,
A metric approach to control flow semantics,
Annals of the New York Academy of Science 806: 11-27, 1996.
- J.W. de Bakker and E.P. de Vink,
Control Flow Semantics,
Foundations of Computing Series, The MIT Press, 1996.